Aging in Place: Our Vision

Older adults maintain the highest possible level of functioning and independence, with access to social connections, healthy and affordable living options, and high-quality services.

Policies and systems support a well-trained professional workforce and facilitate aging-friendly community development in ways that are likely to be sustainable.

Aging in Place: Program

We work in partnership with a network of organizations and leaders to advance systems and policies based on research and best practices for successful aging.

We support the operations and capacity of organizations and spur the formation of coalitions which advocate for change at the local, state, and national level.

Aging in Place: Strategic Goals

Expand Age-Friendly Communities to incorporate older residents into all aspects of community life; increase housing, healthcare, and transportation options and create aging-friendly built environments.

Support a well-prepared, high-quality, and economically stable workforce for geriatric and community-based care.

Build the capacity of our local partners to support aging in place through direct services and improved policies that reflect the longevity and requirements of seniors.

Age-Friendly Communities

Our Foundation has seeded age-friendly projects in six communities and continues to expand this initiative. The goal of this program is to build partnerships on the local level that address both the challenges and opportunities of our aging population. Age-Friendly Communities aim to incorporate older residents into all aspects of community life and improve physical environments to promote independence and equity for aging residents, in cross-sectoral partnerships with municipal, county, and state government, local anchor institutions, and researchers.

Please visit Age-Friendly North Jersey Community Alliance for more information on the work and accomplishments of this network.

For questions about this program area contact Julia Stoumbos at