Age-Friendly Blog
This blog reports on New Jersey’s expanding age-friendly movement and examines new trends and programs to improve the housing, transportation, health and social connectivity needs of older adults and the overall livability of communities in the Garden State.
Aging Insights Episode Looks at Age-Friendly Movement in NJ
Stoumbos describes the age-friendly movement in New Jersey as “a sort of mindset and structure that applies to communities and helps people to be able to age throughout the lifespan in a place that supports different levels of needs
New Resource Lists Transit Routes to COVID-19 Vaccine Sites
As New Jersey increases the pace of vaccinations and adds more vaccination sites, NJ TIP will update its list of travel tips about every two weeks
Vaccine Woes Should Inform Future Response Plans, Experts Say
“There’s no returning back to the old normal,” Milly Silva, executive vice president of 1199 SEIU, said in a virtual roundtable hosted Jan. 28 by NJ Spotlight News.
Age-Friendly Leaders Reflect on Progress in Challenging Year
Unable to meet in person and share holiday treats with one another, network leaders instead “gifted’ each other with the valuable insights and illuminating experiences they gained in 2020
Advancing Age-Friendly Means Bringing Generations Together
“Mixing it up is the new cool.” said Donna Butts, executive director of Generations United, a Washington D.C. advocacy group that promotes programs and policies to connect people of different ages. “Getting generations together is the way to go, and the best way that we can build strong communities and make sure people are engaged
Partnerships Help Communities Get Traction on Pressing Issues
“Nothing about us without us.”
That phrase – commonly used in the world of advocacy - was cited by one of the keynote speakers of the Age-Friendly Communities NJ: New Relevance
Listening to Community Labeled Key to Age-Friendly Efforts
There is no one path to becoming an age-friendly community - nor one mold to use. The age-friendly movement has footholds in urban, suburban and rural locales, sometimes encompassing a single community, other times a multi-town region. These efforts to build...
Conference Highlights Successes in Age-Friendly Movement
Looking for partners in “unlikely places” is a good way to overcome the negative views of aging that are pervasive in our culture, as well as the tendency to view older adults as “a problem” in the community rather than as a useful reservoir of wisdom and skillsets
Wider Lens Needed in Envisioning “Successful Aging”
In its advocacy work, The New Jersey Foundation for Aging routinely seeks to widen the lens that society trains on the lives and livelihoods of older adults, and the organization’s annual conference this year succeeded in doing just that, opening attendees’ eyes to the ways in which ageism is so widely normalized and internalized
Property Tax Relief Programs Could be Lost to State Budget Cuts
The loss of property tax reimbursements is just one potential blow to efforts to ensure low- and moderate-income older adults can afford to keep living independently in their own homes and apartments during this crisis. With federal and state renter protections potentially expiring, there are growing worries about widespread evictions in coming months